Free Domestic Shipping on All US Orders $100+


If we mistakenly shipped you the wrong item or the item is defective, we will provide you a free return label to ship the item back and we will correct the order. If an item is correct and you want to return or exchange the item, you will be responsible for paying for the shipping fees. The item you are returning or exchanging must be in original condition (not washed, not worn, not dirty, tags attached, undamaged) and must be received by Sons of Arthritis within 30 days of your original order date. Once we receive your return, we will refund your card allowing you to repurchase the correct items. Shipping fees are not refundable. We will not accept returns or exchanges after the 30 day period. To return, please ship to the address listed below and include a copy of your invoice and a note stating how you want your return processed :
-- SOA Returns, 23333 Aldine Westfield Rd. Spring TX 77373 

For questions: Please email 

We recommend keeping a copy of the tracking number for your returned item until your order is processed by our team.RETURNS & EXCHANGES


Please be advised, we cannot accept returns on customized Printful Products as they are a third party vendor. Make sure to verify your appropriate size on the size chart in each listing. Should you order the wrong size, you will need to reorder the appropriate size needed as we cannot make exchanges on Printful products.